While doing a little family trip for research on missions for the fourth grade, we happened upon this record store. Instantly, Dylan and Jim entered my mind and a conversation I had with Dylan before he left to go to Santa Cruz for school. When I asked Dylan if he found anything he can do while up there he said he already has the information for the record store in town. He figured it was going to be a good place to hang out. I laughed and told him he sounded so much like his Dad. This world is a lesser place without him. I love you kid and miss you everyday.
Dylan and I had been in that Santa Cruz record store a couple times. They are so rare now that when you see one, you just have to at least poke your head in and look around. I am sure Dylan was in there quite a few times while he was going to school there.
I remember one time when Dylan was still in diapers, and I had the day off. I took Dylan down to Rhino Records in Santa Monica. I was on a mission for something rare, and I knew they had it. So we took off from Northridge to Santa Monica. The record store was great, and I more than likely bought more than what I set my sights on when we left.
Being a good parent, I made sure Dylan had a clean diaper on by changing him on the trunk of my car in the parking garage. That’s what good parents do, right? But then I made a terrible mistake.
I learned a valuable parenting lesson on the way home. It was too close to meal time for the boy, and I mistakenly had nothing ready thinking I could make it home before all hell broke lose. I made it to Sunset before I got stuck in traffic — in the beginning of the Sepulveda pass — when I realized it was going to be a long, long ride home.
Hahaha….. That’s a good story. Hold on those memories. Those are the ones that matter most. Love you.