Typical 10 year old boys

I don’t have a picture to put with my comment, but I really wanted to share. My son has every discussion starting with enderdragons and Minecraft. An obsession of sorts that always makes me wonder if he is “normal”.

Then a memory seeps in as I think, what was Dylan like at my sons age? Legends of Zelda always comes to mind. Everything he spoke of had something to do with a video game. I remember asking his parents if he Dylan ever talked about anything else. Their reply was simple. No.

It did turn out to change eventually, the video game obsession cleared a bit. Of course, he still played them but at least he began to speak of other things. I can only hope that my boy can become somewhat of the same kind-hearted loving man that Dylan was.

Just another thought I wanted to share.


As soon as I saw the orange flowers, I knew I had to get them. They reminded me of the car Dylan liked. He really liked the Nissan 370Z. And it had to be orange. There was never any doubt about the color. He said orange was the only color option for that car.

When we talked about it, I remember telling him he was going to need to save up his money not only to buy the car, but to insure it as well.