I Hugged You Last Night

A couple nights ago, you were in my dream.

You worked at a mall very much like our local mall. I was there to pick you up after work. You were sitting on a kids jungle gym. Your feet were dangling off a small bridge. Under one of the ends of the bridge there was a special area. It was a small, soundproof, transparent, plastic bubble. Inside, though we could barely see in because of all the scratches on the inside and outside of the plastic, was a drum kit. You were waiting to get you turn, but some kid was monopolizing them.

I told you, “Come on. Let’s go.” You said you just wanted to thrash around for a while. Blow off some steam. “Oh, me too, boy. Me too.”, I thought. I put my hands on your shoulders from behind, as we walked. With a smile, I whispered in your ear, “I know someone.” You looked at me, as I caught up to your side. Then I was hugging you and telling you “I miss you so much. I miss you so much”

I miss you so much.


Mostly I feel like there is big hole in my life. And no matter what new experiences or accomplishments I achieve or stuff I try to fill that hole with seems to make that hole smaller in the slightest.

Oh, how I do miss you, Dylan.

“If I show you my eyeballs
Maybe you could see that I’ve been hurtin’ inside”
A. Savage