Heritage Park

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What did Heritage Park mean to Dylan? I don’t know for sure, but it did hold something special for him, because he spent quite a bit of time there. The first experience I can remember was pretty emotional for me and the family. It happened in 2006. For a while Dylan and I would ride our bikes together. I guess we would go about six or seven miles. We used to ride around before dinner. One of the highlights was riding by the In and Out on Bouquet Canyon and smelling the grilled onions. I told Dylan a number of times that I swore I could almost taste them. When would head back towards home, we always took the bike path right by Heritage Park, a park built upon the mounds of dirt left behind after the grading was completed for all the new houses built in the area. One day we were riding along a little slope by the park, a place we could build momentum and push it a little, when Dylan’s foot got stuck in his spokes. He went over his handle bars and took a pretty bad spill. Having never had anything like this happen before, I was at a loss. I told him to stay still, because I was worried he broke something. He had his helmet on, which was now cracked, so we were fortunate. It seemed like he hadn’t broken anything, but he had some pretty nasty road rash which looked like something worse to me at the time. I called Donna in a bit of a panic and asked her where she was, and then basically told her she needed to get over there now and take us to the hospital or Urgent Care. While Dylan was being treated, I felt so terrible because it hurt so bad while they were cleaning him up. Ultimately, Dylan was fine. However, he ended up with a nice scar on his elbow that always reminded of the incident.

As a family, we played tennis a few times at the park over the years. The sun always seemed to be pretty brutal whenever we ended up able to get a court.

Later on, while in high school, Dylan used to spend a lot of time with Justin and Malcolm at the park. There were riding their bikes or maybe skateboarding. I’m pretty sure they were behaving themselves for the most part. Then, when Dylan and Thalia got together, they often spent time at the park. Sometimes, they would go there later than Donna and I thought they should, but again I know most of the time that is really where they were.

And now the city of Santa Clarita has allowed us help plant a tree in the park in memory of Dylan. It was a gracious gesture by the city, and we are grateful. We hope that the tree will withstand the forces of nature, so that we can check in on its progress once in a while and reflect on the memories we have had there.

6 thoughts on “Heritage Park”

  1. This is a beautiful Tree and it is awesome that you have a place to go to feel close to him and the memories!! You, Donna and Marissa are in my thoughts and prayers everyday! ♥♥♥

  2. So glad you are able to have this opportunity and all those great memories. You know he was blessed to be part of such a loving family.

  3. What a specal tree. Now you can visit, have picnics, gaze at the stars, read a book and talk to him. A place where all his friends abs daily can come and sirens time with him in a place he loved dearly….well done santa Clarita, well done

  4. It’s nice to have a place to go to reflect on Dylan’s life.

    Looking forward to seeing it.


    Love. Grandma and Grandpa

  5. I finally was able to visit Dylan’s tree this weekend. It looks healthy and strong and eager to grow. The placement is perfect. As I sat on the bench near the tree at the playground I couldn’t help but think of the symbolism of where it sets. Children coming and going, laughing and having a wonderful time full of smiles. My nephew as I will always see him in my mind. I miss and love you always Dylan.

    While sitting there I couldn’t help but notice a girl on a swing in her teens wearing high tops that were royal blue and sparkled. I thought, “It takes a certain type of person to pull something like that off”. Then I remembered, I would always comment on Dylan’s shoes. Despite the size, he always managed to wear some that had an odd color in them. I never understood it but he always liked them that way. It’s strange the memories that come back to you at the oddest times.

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