On My Mind

These grapes are really good. I suppose I know why they have made it through the week without disappearing.

July 2007
July 2007

You have been on my mind a lot this week, Dylan. You know Marisa is going to be driving in the next couple days. She’s gonna be ok? Right?

One thought on “On My Mind”

  1. “On My Mind” a perfect title for my day. Boy, I miss you. All I could do today was think of all the things I wish you were here to enjoy with us. I wanted to call you other day so you could tell me the boys would be ok for their first Magic Mountain trip with a friend. I want to be able to hear you say they are normal even though they are sticky, dirty little freaks. I love you and miss you everyday, but for some reason today was just all you. I love you, Dylan.

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