Hair in fine art.

Dylan used to constantly do little drawings of basically the same character over and over. Their eyes might change or their clothes. Their shoes or activity might be next, but one constant for the longest time was the hair. They always had the same Yugimon spiky hairstyle. I used to give him a hard time about it until one time when he finally answered the question that was most on my mind when I looked at one of his drawings: “Why do they all have the same hair?” To which he replied, “That’s the only way I can draw hair.” I asked, “Have you tried something different? You can try anything. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It will get better the more you do it.” I think he said he did, but he hadn’t tried in a while. Eventually, the hair did change and I think a class he took in school pushed to do some more challeging things. In fact, his proudest drawing was one he did for a class. When I first saw that drawing, it made me think of a “Liger” (see Napoleon Dynamite). I keep meaning to post that picture.

Here is a drawing I found on a folded up piece of paper, while cleaning up after do some floor work this weekend. I would say this one is probably around the same time as the ones Jennie posted.

We miss you, son.


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