Artist in Training

I don’t remember how long ago these scores of card games was, but I do know my boys weren’t old enough to play if they were even born yet and Marisa, the girl, was either too young or not here yet either. Which would have made Dylan approximately 8 or 9 years old maybe.

There is that part of me that wishes I dated the score boards. Especially now. I found these pages as I was looking for something else in our trailer camping in Santa Paula last weekend. I found on page one, none-the-less, Aunt Jennie and Dylan. Of course, I broke out in tears.


I have plenty of memories of Dylan and it never seizes to amaze me how something so small can ignite even more memories and times I had with him. He would sit and play with me when nobody else would and as always, any time he had a pen/pencil and paper near him it would turn into a reason to draw.

He amazed me how he could draw such clear a precise pictures freehand and all I could ever manage was stick figures and no imagination. I truly know that if he was given the opportunity and time he would have been an even more amazing and talented man.

He was robbed on his future but it is up to all of us to hold on to his past.

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