When Time Stops

When each of my children was born, I had their lives all figured out. Dylan was going to be the physicist that was going to solve the worlds clean energy obstacles. He was also going to front a popular band just for fun. When Marisa was born, she was going to be the chemist to help provide the final pieces needed for the theory Dylan had developed. Oh yeah, she would also be a world famous violinist who would be able to score Donna and I airfare and Carnegie Hall tickets to see her play. Fantasy stuff. I just wanted them to succeed. They could be a doctor, engineer, programmer, accountant, retail clerk, trash man, janitor, ditch digger — a friend. Just so long as they were happy, and grateful for their accomplishments and wiser from their failures. All this, to mention that there are moments in a parents’ life when time stands still and none of those things matter. And nothing can harm you and your family. Everything is just perfect for that moment. For some they are few and far between, I would imagine, but we have been fortunate to have quite a few. Here is one such moment from Dylan’s life.

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