Christmas 2013

My Family

While doing some seemingly infinite cleaning up tasks in the garage recently, I came across a small old notebook of mine. I was about to throw it out with some other old documentation. I used to use it take on the job notes. Names, system specs, project specs, phone numbers, etc. In the back, I found some notes from a brainstorming session for a translation SAAS (Software As A Service) idea well before SAAS was the new acronym of the day. Sandwiched in between these, I found some drawings and short sentences that Dylan had scribbled in there at some point. Dylan was probably 8 or 9 years old when he did these.

[slideshow_deploy id=’982′]


It is Christmas 2015, and I dearly wish that Dylan was here with his family.

One thought on “My Family”

  1. Dylan you were and are loved very much every are missed but you will never be forgotten.Friends and family love you and they love those still here. They know you are watching over them and sending messages to them.I am watching over your mommy and daddy by making sure they stay healthy.Love and miss you too Sharon!!

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