Our Little Hacker.

Dylan loved technology very early in his life. I remember the first time I tried to show him how to use a computer. I thought it was funny to see his little hand working the mouse. The mouse was bigger than his hand. I just thought that was so funny. He seemed to go through the educational games we got for him faster than we could produce them.


I rewarded him one year for doing so well school by telling him he would get a computer, but he would have to build it. I bought the parts and explained each one to him and supervised while he put it together. I might have put the heat sink on the CPU, but that was it. I am pretty sure he learned something from the experience, because he used to talk about the technical details of what he wanted in his next computer. For gaming of course. I always thought that he might go into some kind of technology career, but he seemed disinterested. I suspect that is mostly because he didn’t want to do the same kind of work as his dad.

The holidays are upon us and we continue to miss you terribly, Dylan.

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