Everywhere And Nowhere To Be Found.

Jeopardy answer:
From the Welsh elements “great” and “tide, flow”. In Welsh mythology he was a god or hero associated with the sea.

I recently had a dream about Dylan. He wasn’t in my dream, but I could feel him. He was in the other room. The house was warm. Comfortable. It was home. For a moment.

Somebody came to the door. A teen aged girl was trying to get kids signed up for soccer. She asked if we had any girls who might interested. I told her that Marisa played quite a few years ago and seemed to be pretty good, but she chose to dance instead. The girl smiled and said “Okay, well thank you for your time.” and started to walk away.

I told her to wait. Then, for some reason, I said, “I think my son might be interested.” Next thing I know, I am holding a piece of paper and pencil to supposedly be signing him up or adding him to a list. I looked down at the piece of paper, really a 5×7 card, and there was only the number 18 written largely on it. And I am going over and over the 8 of the 18 that takes ups nearly the whole card. Everything felt right until I held that card in my hand. Then, I said to the girl, “What am I thinking? I am sorry. My son is 18. He is too old to sign up.” Without another word, the girl turn away and I closed the front door.

The warmth was gone. The comfort lost. I stood in living room using wall to support myself while I cried uncontrollably until I felt nauseous and as if somebody had sucker punched me in the gut.


Without hesitation.
Question: Who is Dylan?

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