
I found myself a bit down a couple weeks ago, while listening to the Flaming Lips song by song cover of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, which I like a lot. I didn’t really put it together until I realized some of my favorite parts of the album. Miley Cyrus’ baked, smokey verses in “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”, as well as her part in the bridge of “A Day in the Life.” It took me a number of times listening to the album before the “coincidences” hit me again. It really occurred to me when my phone just decided to play something random, and it was the Lifehouse song in my Dylan play list instead of the Flaming Lips album.

Why did it take me so long to make the connections? Ugh. Dylan played the entire album on guitar. He was sweet on Miley Cyrus, years ago. Lifehouse was just the hammer to my head to make it more obvious.

I have referred to it as slipping when trying to describe it to Donna and others. I don’t want him to slip from my mind. I don’t want the memories to slip from my memory. I want them to remain pure. Real. Honest. And I fear they won’t, or have already been muddied. I fear they can’t and are slipping away into the fog of my past.

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