The Chair

Over the course of the last two months we have had a few birthday dinners. No matter how many times the count of people is done there is ALWAYS an empty seat. I couldn’t help but take a picture, yes, with my bad picture phone, of how yet again Dylan is missing. I must do the count of people 5 or 6 times before making the reservations and it never fails. There is always a spot at the table for him, Is that something that over time stops? OR Is it supposed to be that way because he is always truly with us even if not in body?

Today marks 8 months since he was stolen from our family. My nephew, who I have always held this special spot in my heart for and would give anything to have him sitting at the table with us again. I miss you everyday!

Today, as is every 14th of the month, I will go through work listening to the music that Dylan showed me, Lifehouse, maybe even a ballad from Linkin Park and Artist vs. Poet which unfortunately, I did not get to listening to until he was gone; but somehow listening to them now makes me feel even closer to him.

Days like this are the hardest; but also days like this are when the strongest of memories come through. Maybe that chair is there because of the Chilli’s dinner we had with him for his 21st. Aunt Jennie and Uncle Lonny offered to buy the boy a drink and to have one with him. He just smiled that Dylan smile, glanced at his folks and said no, that’s ok. I miss you boy.

One thought on “The Chair”

  1. Funny, the family getting together more recently. Dylan and I would talk about why we didn’t all get together. I don’t think it bothered him much. He was just seeing how some other families did things differently. But, one time he did say something like we should just do it and not let the dumb stuff interfere. Here we are getting together more as a family, yet we are still not since he is not there with us.

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