Missed Opportunity

The last show I really wanted to go to with Dylan was the Augustines at the Troubadour on 2/11/2014. They are a band that I like very much, and would have liked to expose Dylan to them to see what he thought. The show was on a Tuesday. Three days before Valentine’s Day. When I brought it up to Donna, it was clear that she really didn’t want me to go. I was not home much since I started the new job. I knew I would be tired, so I was convinced not to go. I regretted that decision the night of the show and the days afterward. I really like the band and want to try to support them.

I didn’t really think about it or even hear much of the faint music I had playing until the beginning of March was near. I turned to the last thing I bought. An album that I was very excited about, since their first album (Rise Ye Sunken Ships) was one of my favorites of 2011. Well, I could not stop listening to their new album (Augustines) once I started. It reminded of the show I missed. I knew I was going to see them play, if they came back to the Los Angeles area. To my surprise, I found out today they are playing the exact same club in September. I have my ticket bought. And I might even shed a tear when Billy McCarthy sings:

Have you ever lost someone
Screamed Holy Mary down the hall
Or cried against a steering wheel

Because I have. Oh yes, I have.

One thought on “Missed Opportunity”

  1. Funny thing during this experience. I thought this night, I would not be able to think about anything but Dylan, since so many of the songs remind me of what we have been going though the past months. But I found myself thinking about Marisa when the band played a song that she always sings when it comes on in the car. I will tell her, “You like that one, huh?” To which, she replies, “No, its terrible.” But continues singing the chorus anyway.

    “I’m takin’ ya home
    Hang up the phone
    We’ll listen to radio
    Keep your head up kid
    I know you can swim
    But ya gotta move your legs”

    Keep your head up, girl.

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