
“I’ll say I love ya I won’t say goodbye.
I’ll say I love ya I won’t say goodbye.
I’ll say I love ya I won’t say goodbye.
I’ll say I love ya I won’t say goodbye.”


Tomorrow night, Superchunk is going to be playing at a small place in Eagle Rock. I would have liked to go, but I have a floor to finish this weekend and nobody to accompany me. Why is this significant? The last show Dylan and I went to was a Superchunk show at the El Rey on September 4, 2013. It was the first time the band had been in town in a long time, and I really liked their new album. I remember when I asked Dylan if he wanted to go with me. He kind of hesitated and said yeah, but I knew he was wondering if I was going to expect him to pay for his ticket. I told him I would get his ticket, and I wanted the company.

When we got there, he commented that it was bigger than he expected. I supposed that was because he didn’t know anybody else that had heard of the band. Colleen Green opened up. We spent most of her set making fun of her drum machine and guitar routine. The songs weren’t bad, but I think she would be better with a full band. We would predict how each song would begin, because they all seemed to have the same or very similar percussive programming.

When the band came on, it took all of a few seconds for me to realize that I wanted use the earplugs I brought. I put them in and Dylan laughed at me with these bright green sponges hanging out of ears. I told him I didn’t give a shit, at least I could hear better. We had fun and he didn’t think the music was that bad either. I told him about how easy he has it now discovering new music. I told him how I discovered this band, and the process I had to go through to buy more of their music. I had to write to their label (that a couple of band members started) and ask them to send me a catalog. After the show, I didn’t really want it to end. We looked around for something near the theater, but found nothing open. I had to work the next morning, so we just headed home.

2 thoughts on “Superchunk”

  1. Do you have any idea how much I just want to say screw the floor and I will go with you? I don’t even know their music, I think. Knowing you, I have probably heard their music and don’t even know that’s what I was listening to. Keep up the stories. I love hearing them. I get a true insight as to exactly how close the two of you really were. My heart breaks every time I think of how you not only lost a son, but a friend/companion/music enthusiast. I love you, brother.

    1. Don’t get me wrong, there was a lot of tension too. But I was always grateful for the good experiences we had. I would even mention it to Donna once in a while. I would say, “What is up with Dylan? We had a great conversation.” Or something along those lines. That is what hurts the most. I will miss those experiences so much. I loved those times, when I got them. And I always felt that there would be many more. Especially, as he started to figure things out and got excited about life and what he was experiencing. He would want to share those feelings with us, I believe. I looked forward that.

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