Fine Art at the Getty

I drove by the Getty Museum four times this weekend for Marisa’s dance competitions. One time, when I drove by it brought a smile to my face as I remembered when we took Dylan there. It was about a year or two after it had opened around 1998. Dylan was probably five or six years old at the time. We spent quite a bit of the day there. As I recall, the tour was pretty straight forward and linear. We did the whole thing with Dylan.

Eventually, he got fidgety and was starting to get a little bored. Fortunately, the Renaissance period was there to liven things up. As Dylan noticed that something was not quite right with one of the paintings, he got a big smile on his face. He didn’t say anything, but we knew what he was smiling about. We tried to get him to tell us what was so funny, but he wouldn’t until we asked leading questions where he could answer with a yes or no. The boobies of the Renaissance period paintings saved the day. They became a bit of a Where’s Waldo kind of game for us. We would be disappointed when we would round a corner to find a boobie-less painting staring back at us. I’m sure the “mature” people around us without their kids did not appreciate our adolescent behavior, but we had fun and were able to make it though the whole tour with him.

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