Parked – lyrics

Here are some pretty good lyrics from a song Dylan was working on in August of last year. I took the liberty of calling it “Parked.” He seemed to be having some issue that he was not able to work through and left it unfinished. I would have loved to have had the opportunity to encourage him to finish it, because it is not bad. He wrote this in August of 2013.

I parked my car outside your window,
I had the speakers turned up loud,
I started throwing rocks to get your attention,
You turned around.

I saw you smile my direction,
I felt my feet lift off the ground,
I saw your subtle hesitation,
But I shot it down.


You and I
Like two of a kind,
While I’m keepin’ rhythm,
You’re keepin’ time,

Your little hand,
Fits perfectly in mine,
So know there’s always someone
Who thinks your hearts beating just fine.

One thought on “Parked – lyrics”

  1. Dylan had so many talents, some hidden that I didn’t know about. I knew music was important to him, I just didn’t know that the writing was with him as well. I love the picture for purely selfish reasons. I realized it was from Christmas 2013 at our house. I am so glad that we had you all over last year for Christmas. Thank you for sharing all the moments with us.

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