From Aunt Jennie

So this doesn’t really pertain to Dylan’s driving; but I just had to share my most recent events of this weekend that included thoughts of my amazing nephew.

First, being the parent of 10 year old boys you never truly feel that they can grasp the concept of losing a loved one. Kyle decides to share his Pokemon cards with another cousin (from a different branch of his family). During the course of handing over the oldest looking box of the boxes he makes it clear to his younger cousin that they MUST be very careful and NOT to lose any of them because they were the LAST thing he got from his cousin. It was then that I realized Kyle has put it together. Dylan disappeared upstairs at his house during one of our visit and emerged handing over this box of cards to Kyle. I was so incredibly touched that Dylan’s heart was so huge that he knew what this would mean to my boy. One of many acts that showed how amazing he was.

Second, was during a discussion with Lonny about the people count for a birthday dinner for Julie, our sister. Lonny kept counting four for Jim, Donna, Dylan and Marisa. He said it several times before we both looked at each other and did our best to keep control and fall to pieces.

The Boy will be with us ALWAYS. Everyday I find something new that I thought I had forgotten or something I had put off thinking, “Well I will do that later”.

I listen to some Artist vs. Poet and wished so much that I could have that simple text to the boy saying, “Hey, they are pretty good.”

I miss you, Dylan. Love, Aunt Jennie.

One thought on “From Aunt Jennie”

  1. Dylan is wearing a Charmander (a pokemon) costume in the picture. It is hard to tell because the mask slid up on his face when he grabbed Marisa to pose for the camera.

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