
So many thoughts and feelings this long Memorial Day weekend. First, graduation. How many times did I hear the name Dylan called out when they announced the names of each graduating senior? Every single time reminding me of Dylan and his graduation. Every time reminding me that my own parents were in attendance for his, and were not for Marisa’s.

Then, we quickly moved into Marisa’s last dance competition weekend. A tradition that has been part of our lives for the past nine years. It is hard to believe it has been that long. A few of those long Memorial Day weekends were spent with Dylan. I have no idea how many times Dylan and I would walk up and down Downtown Disney. Just talking and people watching. Sitting in the plaza staring at the House of Blues. And waiting for the next dance time. It was hard to ignore that the House of Blues was no longer there this last time. A place both Dylan and I had been to to see musicians play, but never together.

No doubt it has been impossible to navigate through this period of our lives without reflecting on what we have endured during Marisa’s time in high school. It is difficult for me not to have my parents during this time as well. It is challenging not to recall what a tumultuous four years it has been. Amidst all this loss, so many milestones to celebrate, particularly for Marisa. Fours years of whipsaw emotions, and now a new beginning awaits.

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