Life and times of Dylan

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This site is dedicated to the life and times of my son, Dylan Tyler Zimmerman.

3 thoughts on “Life and times of Dylan”

  1. I found this picture the other day. It was the night that Dylan and Malcolm spent the night at my house. There’s also a video on my computer of us playing Dance Central before we went to bed that night.


  2. I don’t think I have ever seen Dylan upset. He always had a smile with the dimple and he always made me smile. Those of you who know me know that is not any easy thing to do.

    My clearest memory is when Dylan was about 3 or 4 years old. I wasn’t around him much before that so when I asked his parents if I could take him to the movies I was really nervous. Dylan was awesome. He held my hand the whole way into the theater. He insisted on sitting on my lap with the popcorn in his lap through the whole movie. It was a great time with just me and him. The first of many. The walks at the beach. He would always talk with me and I just remember soaking up the fact that he was ok spending time with his old aunt. He was always open to just going along. Whatever it was. Thank you boy for just being you!

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